Cultural Humility
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Salem Health Building C , 1st Floor-Rooms A/B/C
Speaker: Amanda Wheeler Kay, NIMA Love of Humanity
12:30 -1:00 pm - Registration, Gather
1:00 - 3:00 pm - Seminar (short break in the middle)
3:00 - 3:30 pm - Socializing
Please register through Salem Health. Click HERE or call Salem Health, 503-814-2775. Sponsored in collaboration by Salem Health and the Marion-Polk County Medical Society
Contact April Gavin, Salem Health 503-814-2777
Description: MPCMS is coordinating this 2-hour session. The course is designed to meet the requirements of cultural competency training for healthcare providers. The seminar is designed to meet Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 847-008-0077 that requires “cultural or linguistic immersion, volunteering in a rural clinic, completing an employer’s cultural competency training, a training on implicit bias in health care, attending an event with members of an underserved community to discuss health care access issues, or courses approved by the Oregon Health Authority.”
Learning Objectives: At the end of this education participants will be able to:
1. Name their personal values and consider how they fit in with dominant values;
2. Explain key concepts such as cultural humility and implicit bias, and identify impacts on our attitudes
and behaviors; and
3. Practice strategies for improving communication with patients / colleagues
The Salem Health is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Salem Health designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Who should attend: MD, DO, NP and PA's.
Cost: MPCMS members $50. Non-members of the Medical Society may also attend for $100.
Instructor: Amanda Wheeler-Kay is a bilingual social worker and community interpreter who has worked in the Portland area for over fifteen years. She is co-chair of the education and training committee of the Oregon Council on Health Care Interpreters, an advisory council to the OHA. Her session will focus on recognizing and overcoming communication barriers with patients and families whose values and norms that may not conform to those in the dominant culture.
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