Marion Polk Medical Society Invites Members and Guests...
Spring Member Dinner - Get Out There!
Featuring guest speaker Zach Urness, Outdoor Columnist, Statesman Journal
Thursday May 26, 2022
5:30 - 8:00 pm
Illahe Hills Country Club
Note as of May 26 we have had a few cancellations, so we have about 10 spots open. RSVP if you can make it!

Join us for a time of socializing and engagement with members of MPCMS. There will be a cocktail hour and a dinner in the outdoor pavilion of Illahe Hills Country Club.
We look forward to hearing from guest speaker Zach Urness of the Statesman Journal on ways to "Get Out There" in the beautiful nature that exists around us. You've probably read his columns on hiking, kayaking and exploring Oregon's natural areas. What tips and secrets can he give you to get out there? Entertainment will be by the Manny Martinez Jazz Quartet. We will have some great door prizes, all attendees are eligible to win.

Entertainment by Manny Martinez Jazz Quartet
The event is FREE to Medical Society members and guests. We can't wait to see you there!
Mask Policy: We are adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines for Marion County which is currently in Low risk. Polk County is medium risk. Masks are optional but suggested.
Thank You Sponsors!

Plus pro-bono sponsors: Travel Salem and Salem Free Clinics
Interested in sponsoring? The cost is $630 and it includes a display table and registration to the event (click here) or contact the Medical Society office at 971-720-1667 or email exec@mpmedsociety.org.
Invite Your Medical Society Colleagues!
Download the flyer: MPCMS_Spring_Meeting_Flyer_2022.pdf